Alaska Photo Tours
Wildlife Photos
Ungulates Photos
Bull Moose, fall colors and tundra, Denali National Park, Alaska
Photo of bull elk bugling in the forest, Jasper National Park, Canada.
Bull elk bugling, Yukon Territory, Canada. (Cervus elaphus)
Bison Calf and cows in Custer State Park.
Caribou bulls fighting photo.
Caribou herd migrating, Denali National Park.
Caribou bull, Denali National Park, Alaska.
Pocupine Caribou Herd migrating on Coastal Plain, ANWR.
Mountain goat photo
Whitetail buck standing in forest in Tennessee.
Pronghorn buck running across the prairie.
Bull Moose standing on the tundra
Caribou bull on a ridge
Nursing bison calf and mother on the prairie
Bull elk in lodgepole pine forest, Canada
Bull elk in fall color Canadian Rockies photo
Bison Calf, poking out tongue, Black Hills, South Dakota
Bull Moose and cow Denali National Park, Alaska
Bull elk standing morning light Yellowstone National Park, Wyomi
Whitetail buck Standing in a meadow, Cades Cove, Smoky Mountains
Band of Dall sheep rams, MacColl Ridge, Wrangell-St. Elias Natio
Trophy Bighorn Sheep ram photo, Jasper national Park, Canada
Bighorn Ram, full curl rack, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Cana
Bighorn sheep ram, backlit, standing on snow, Jasper National Pa
Closeup face shot of a bighorn sheep ram, full curl horns
Bighorn Sheep ram, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
Bighorn Sheep ram photo, with magpie perched on horn, Jasper Nat
Bull Moose fall colors Alaska Denali National Park
Bull Moose vivid fall foliage colors Denali National Park
Bull Moose on the sage flats and fall colors
Muskox herd or band in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge