Carl the Blogger

Hello Folks
Welcome to the newest section of my website, the ‘journal’. For some reason most folks refer to this kind of webpage as a ‘blog’ – so I guess this is my blog page. This must mean I’m now officially a Blogger. Carl, the Blogger.
I aim to keep this section of the site current with my latest doings, as well as whatever random thoughts happen to fall out of my head at the appropriate time. Hopefully it’ll be of interest to some, and maybe even informative for a few – also, I’d love to hear from any visitors out there whenever you take an inkling. I’ll upload a picture of myself here, taken by my friend and super great photographer, Guy Tal. He didn’t have much to work with here, subjectwise. This was on a trip I took to visit him and his wife Sarah in Utah. I’m not sure when I’ll get that way again, but I hope it’s not too far distant. Guy’s a great fella and a fun hang – little bit weird, but what artist isn’t?
So anyway, this will be interesting. I hope you’ll stick around, and feel free to post away, even if its just to say hello.